Electric mini Bugatti Chiron

Created on 2018.06.14 530 views
This creation was a project out of a College in Ottawa Ontario that was design and created by students using Solidworks. What a great tool to make 3D models and assemblies of projects. This project consisted of making a reduced model of the existing Bugatti Chiron which is completely electric. It runs on 48V DC with two separate motors controlling the back  wheels. This project started in January 2018, the first step was designing the frame using Solidworks then the actual building of the car which was presented at the end of the spring semester 2018. What a great job by our team considering our time frame! Now we've all graduated mechanical engineering technologist and are proud to have learnt to design using Solidworks and other softwares! 
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Auteurs du projet
AT Alexis Thibault
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