Dynamic Automobile Chassis Model GTTC HUMNABAD

Govt. Tool Room And Training Center, Humnabad

Created on 2020.06.19 125 views
Dynamic Automobile Chassis Chassis is a base frame of a car, carriage, or other wheeled vehicle. I and my group had used our EKL knowledge to make a simple design into semi-automation design. By seeing the cover of a book can’t tell you about entire book, likewise by seeing outer look of this chassis can’t tell you the inner work of design. Features of my chassis design
  1. Master pin points and basic part pin points
  2. Perfect connection between components
  3. Product level of modification
  4. Material change when axle size change
  5. It will tell you about the size of car
  6. It will indicate you when you cross the limit.
We can also customize and make list of standard dimensions used by automobile industry in design table. I can make a list of automobiles library in this design. It can be a future of automobile design.  
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AB Akshay Biradar
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