Digital Manufacturing of an Electric Vehicle for capacity of 12 vehicles per day, using DELMIA solutions on 3D Experience Platform of Dassault Systemes.

Make or Buy decision, Process & Facility Planning, Operation creation, Process Graph, Time Analysis, Line Balancing, Key Processes & Ergonomics Simulation on various apps of DELMIA solution using 3D Experience Platform for Small commercial EV.

Created on 2019.06.23 1565 views
Following key approach/methodology is followed using 3D Experience Platform of Dassault Systemes:-  
  1. Business Strategy Planning for Production:
    1. Lined designed for Annual capacity: 3600 vehicles.
    2. Volume per day: 12 vehicles (one shift basis). 
    3. Finalised Product Platform/Model: 2 platforms each having two variants.
    4. Available time per shift: 408 Minutes.
    5. Takt Time: 34 minutes.
    6. No of station in Main assembly line: 5 stations.
    7. Strategy finalised for sourcing of System/Sub-System level: Make or BUY.
    8. In-house/Make Sourcing: Body shop, Frame Assembly and Final Vehicle Assembly.
    9. Major Sub-System Buy/Sourcing from outside: All other aggregates and parts /sub-assemblies
    10. Land: Share & size: 100m x 90m.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  2. Process Planning:   Used DELMIA manufactured item definition, DELMIA process planning, DELMIA time-motion study
    1. Created Manufacturing Bill of Material (BOM) from Design BOM (EV is design on CATIA). This is based on my Make or BUY decision outlined above.
    2. Created stations & Sub-stations.
    3. Created processes as Operation Unit for various fitment, elemental activities for processes, Process Graph (Precedence or successor of process or constraint of any processes).
    4. Performed Time analysis with both methods - estimated time and MOST (Maynard Operation Sequence Technique) for cycle/Process Time.
    5. Prepared GANT Chart and carried balancing of line.
    6. Estimated no of operators/manpower required with full skill level (20 manpower needed).
  1. Facility Planning:  Used DELMIA plant layout design, DELMIA equipment allocation
    1. Created various facilities needed for carrying processes.
    2. Assigned product and resources to each operation/processes.
  1. Digital Factory:   Digital Factory is created by design/modelling of following resources using DELMIA plant layout design, CATIA part design, CATIA assembly design, CATIA –AEC/BIM
    1. Layout Planning with Logistics & Super Market. 
    2. Designed Line station equipment – Pallet, Trolley, Bins, Nut runners,
    3. Lifting Tackles & Fixtures for Parts/sub-assembly/aggregates
    4. Civil:  Floor, Building/shed/Plant Structure, Portals, Columns, Gangway, Display areas
    5. Building / Office: Building is designed digitally with CATIA-AEC
    6. Shop: Fabrication unit, Body Shop, Final Assembly line, Testing/PDI.
    7. Others: Super Market storage areas, parking area, control unit, security offices, office section for different units.
    8. Utilities: Pneumatic Air & Water connection – Piping, Power, Forced Draft Ventilation.
  1. Process Simulation: Used DELMIA assembly evaluation, DELMIA Equipment Design Essentials
    1. Process simulation is carried out for 5 process to check fitment of parts and its clashes.
    2. Vehicle built up simulated on Final Assembly line.
  1. Human Ergonomics Simulation: Used DELMIA ergonomics evaluation
    1. Carried ergonomics simulation for fitment of BIW and Axle.
    2. Carried and improved process for Posture, reachability and visibility analysis. 
  Videos & Picture of work carried Kindly view uploaded images & video of Digital Factory, Process & Facility Planning and Process Simulation. Conclusion & Next Steps:
  1. We experienced and learnt domain of Manufacturing plant using 3D Experience Platform of Dassault Systemes. 
  2. We look forward for funding for setting up physical plant as start-up.
We would like to thank our Dassault Systemes India team, Centurion University management, Mentors, faculties & college class friends to make it possible.
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PK Pradeep Kumar
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